7 Fun Ways to Rejuvenate Your Spring Look

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

Spring is around the corner, and you may be feeling as though an updated look is a wonderful way to celebrate the warmer weather. If you want to tweak your look without doing anything that leaves you unrecognizable, then this post is a must-read.

For some people, an updated look involves a new hair colour and a bold lip colour. Others may prefer the wrinkle relaxers Perth locals are using to hide their fine lines. No matter what your budget is or how much or how little you want to change your look, the good news is that even simple changes can make a significant difference.

Boost Your Spring Vibe

Looking forward to warmer weather and sunny days may have put you in the mood for a few personal changes. We’ve listed a few top ways you can give your spring look a much-needed boost.

1.     Reduce Your Fine Lines

One of the easiest ways to rejuvenate your look is to invest in a wrinkle relaxer or lip filler treatment. Not only is this excellent for making you look more refreshed, but instantly reduces the visible signs of ageing. Since these treatments are non-invasive and require will little to no downtime, it’s the best starting point for your new spring look.

2.     Change your Hair

A change is as good as a holiday, as the adage says. So, why not change your hair to give your look a complete 360? Here you can choose to make a few subtle changes such as adding highlights or cutting bangs.

Alternatively, opt for hair extensions if you want to try a longer look. Choose a new colour that will complement your overall look and boost your confidence. Check with your hairstylist for a style that’s age-appropriate and also suits your busy schedule. It may be time to try that bold colour you’ve also loved but never had the confidence to try!

3.     A Mani and Pedi is a Must

Spring is all about the sandals and getting outside. This means that no spring makeover is complete without a new manicure and pedicure. These amazing treatments are not only relaxing but also leave your hands and feet looking wonderful.

Schedule a session with your local nail technician to have the full spoiling treatment,  or if you prefer, invite a few friends over, buy a few DIY nail kits, or your favourite Prosecco and turn it into a fun spring pampering session.

Experiment with cool bold colours that announce the arrival of spring. A funky new pedicure is also the perfect excuse to spoil yourself with a few pairs of new summer sandals.

4.     Update a Few Key Clothing Pieces

Creating a whole new wardrobe can be expensive and in some cases wasteful, if your current clothing is still relatively new. Instead, use what you have to create a few new key outfits that match your spring mood.

Identify the clothes you don’t think you’ll be wearing again. Donate these items to your local charity or thrift store, ensuring the process isn’t wasteful. Clothes you no longer wear may form the foundation of someone else’s new look.

5.     Change Your Makeup

For many people, a makeover is a change of makeup or the addition of it. If you’re bored with your overall look, changing your makeup style may be a good place to start. The most significant makeup tips to change your look are:

  • Check online tutorials to learn a few new contouring techniques
  • Invest in a quality eye cream to keep bags and wrinkles at bay
  • Don’t be shy to experiment with new eye shadow colours
  • Experiment with lash extensions to instantly highlight your eyes
  • Try a new lip colour – don’t be afraid to move away from your signature shade
  • Consider adding shimmering lotions and glitter creams to create a fun spring look
  • Upgrade your body creams to options that include  an SPF of 30+ that will protect your skin against the hash Australian sun
  • Add a quality make-up-removal solution to your make-up regime to preserve the work your wrinkle treatments have done

6.     Upgrade Your Toothpaste

Don’t forget to brighten your smile for all those spring giggles. Opting for a whitening session at the dentist is one way to do this. You can also upgrade your toothpaste to options that include charcoal powder or baking soda. You’ll be amazed at the results!

7.     Change Your Eyewear

Bored with your old glasses? Consider opting for a more modern style that makes you look trendier. Choose a style that accentuates the look you want to create. You can also switch to contact lenses and ditch the glasses altogether. Be daring and consider experimenting with coloured lenses for one of your super-fun spring looks.  

Final Thoughts

Refreshing your spring look is easier than you think. Use a few of our tips to create a whole new appearance, that will not only refresh your appearance but will also boost your confidence. Enjoy the warmer months with a fun and fresh look!

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