Top Five Most Unique Cat Breeds You Can Find

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

Cats are truly just little furry riddles with whiskers. Each of them has its own unique character, and if you thought that all cats just hate us in general and stay with us just for food, well, you are wrong. There are breeds in the world that you may not have even heard of, but which definitely deserve your attention.

We present to you the top 5 most unusual cat breeds that can add a little brightness and charm to your life. Who knows, maybe one of them will become your new furry friend!


Savannah is an ambassador of true jungle aesthetic. If you have ever wanted a mini leopard jumping around your house, these are your dream cats. The breed comes from crossbreeding of pet cats and wild African servals. Savannahs have long thin legs, a slim body, relatively large ears and bright spotted fur, which makes them look like their big wild relatives.

These felines love adventures. They can easily play tag with you, jump on high surfaces, and even walk on a leash! However, their independent character requires patience and respect from the owner. Savannahs can be trained to listen to commands and be your real friends if you are ready for a cat with a wild past but a domestic heart (and don’t forget that these beauties are expensive).


If you are not a fan of a big jungle cat appearance but still want a feline friend that looks truly wild, try to search for a Lykoi. It would be great if you also like the fantasy genre because these cats look like real-life werewolves. Lykoi’s fur is gray, messy, and incomplete, with areas of bare skin, so the resemblance to a feral forest creature is quite obvious.

However, don’t be afraid of their appearance—under this rugged shell hides a very devoted pet. They will love to stay around you as long as you need and are always ready for games and hugs. These cats are agile, smart, and very curious, so you will definitely not be bored with them.

Highlander cat

Any Highlander looks like it could be the star of a cat action movie. These felines have a strong build, broad shoulders, and muscular legs. But their main feature is their curled ears, which adds more charm and cuteness to their tough exterior. Plus, some Highlanders have a short tail that gives them a bit of a Bobtail look.

Despite their slightly menacing appearance, Highlanders are total sweethearts. They love people’s company and simply cannot live without their attention. They are incredibly smart, easy to train, quickly remember their name and, just like Savannahs, don’t mind walking on a leash. By nature, these are very active and playful cats, but not so much as to climb on curtains and tear your furniture.

If you do not indulge your pet and feed him from the table, having taught them to eat only in a designated place, rest assured that they will take this for granted.


LaPerm’s unique feature is its curly fur, which appeared as a result of a genetic mutation. An interesting fact is that kittens are born bald or lose their first fur by the first month. New fur with charming curls grows in its place quite quickly. Hence the name of the breed.

A stunning appearance is not their only distinct feature. These pets need human company and affection. They are sometimes compared to dogs because of their strong attachment to their owner. Also, an important detail: LaPerms have no undercoat, so they practically do not shed.


As a result of crossing, the Bambino received two distinctive features from its two parent breeds (Sphynx and Munchkin) — short legs and lack of fur. The cat’s sensitive skin requires a lot of care (and we mean really a lot). It needs protection from cold and dry weather and requires regular hygiene procedures.

A pet of small stature retains a playful mood and childish spontaneity throughout its life. The Bambino is friendly to people, including strangers, and to any pets, including dogs.

To sum it all up

So, here they are — cat breeds with unique characters and appearances. From royal grace to wild look, these breeds can not only surprise, but also add a lot of love to your life. Regardless of which one you choose, remember that each cat is a whole world of adventures and purring happiness!

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