Beyond the Basics: Try These Lesser Known Google Ads Strategies That Actually Work

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

In the competitive world of digital marketing, standing out is no small feat. All the standard Google Ads strategies – think keyword targeting, ad extensions, and A/B testing – are essential of course, but to truly differentiate your brand and achieve exceptional results, you need to think outside the box.

In the points below, I’ll walk you through some innovative and less commonly used tactics in Google Ads campaigns that have proven successful. Whether you’re running a campaign in-house or partnering with a Melbourne based Google Ads agency, these strategies can take your advertising efforts to the next level.

Leverage Customer Match

Customer Match allows you to use your existing customer data to create highly targeted ad campaigns. By uploading email lists, you can tailor your ads to users who are already familiar with your brand. This tactic not only enhances personalisation, but it also improves the likelihood of conversions since you’re targeting a warm audience.

How It Works:

  • Upload your customer email list to Google Ads.
  • Google matches these emails with users who are signed in to their Google accounts.
  • Create custom ad campaigns tailored to these users.

Success Tip: Segment your email list based on customer behaviour, such as recent purchases or high engagement, and craft specific ads for each segment to maximise relevancy and impact.

Use Life Events Targeting

Life Events targeting is an innovative feature that lets you reach users during significant milestones in their lives, such as getting married, graduating, or moving. These are periods when consumer behaviour is more likely to change, presenting unique opportunities for relevant ads.

How It Works:

  • Google identifies users experiencing life events based on their online activities.
  • You can target these users with ads tailored to their current life stage.

Success Tip: Craft your ad copy to resonate with the emotions and needs associated with these life events. For example, a moving company can target users who are about to move, highlighting ease and convenience.

Implement In-Market Audiences

In-Market Audiences enable you to target users actively researching and considering products or services similar to yours. This proactive approach surpasses traditional demographic targeting by focusing on user intent.

How It Works:

  • Google tracks users’ browsing history and identifies those showing purchase intent.
  • Target these users with your ads, knowing they are already in the decision-making process.

Success Tip: Pair In-Market Audiences with compelling offers or limited-time promotions to prompt immediate action from users who are close to making a purchase.

Utilise Similar Audiences

Similar Audiences is a powerful tool for expanding your reach to new users who share characteristics with your existing customers. This tactic is particularly effective for finding high-quality leads.

How It Works:

  • Google identifies new users who exhibit similar behaviours and interests to your current audience.
  • These users are then targeted with your ads.

Success Tip: Continuously update your original audience list to ensure that the Similar Audiences algorithm works with the most current data, enhancing accuracy and effectiveness.

Experiment with Interactive Ads

Interactive ads, such as HTML5 ads, offer a dynamic and engaging way to capture user attention. These ads can include animations, videos, and interactive elements that encourage user interaction.

How It Works:

  • Design ads with interactive elements that invite users to engage.
  • Use HTML5 to create these interactive ad formats within Google Ads.

Success Tip: Track user interactions with your ads to gain insights into what elements drive engagement and conversions, then optimise your future campaigns accordingly.

Hyper-Local Targeting

Hyper-local targeting enables you to reach potential customers in very specific geographic areas, such as within a few blocks of your store. This tactic is particularly useful for businesses that rely on foot traffic.

How It Works:

  • Define a precise geographic radius around your location in Google Ads.
  • Target users within this radius with location-specific ads.

Success Tip: Use hyper-local targeting for time-sensitive promotions or events to drive immediate foot traffic to your location. Highlight proximity and convenience in your ad copy.

Ad Customizers

Ad customizers allow you to dynamically tailor your ad content to each user based on various parameters like location, time of day, or even the device they’re using. This creates highly relevant and personalised ads without manually creating multiple versions.

How It Works:

  • Set up custom parameters in Google Ads.
  • Create a dynamic ad template that adjusts based on these parameters.

Success Tip: Combine ad customizers with countdown timers to create urgency and drive conversions, especially for limited-time offers or sales events.

Competitor Targeting

Competitor targeting involves bidding on keywords related to your competitors’ brands and products. This strategy can help you attract users who are considering your competitors but might be open to your offerings.

How It Works:

  • Identify your main competitors and the keywords they are targeting.
  • Create ads that highlight your unique selling propositions (USPs) and advantages over the competition.

Success Tip: Be respectful and avoid negative ad copy – instead, focus on positive differentiation and the benefits users will gain by choosing your brand.

Ready to get started?

Venturing beyond the basics in Google Ads can significantly enhance your campaign performance.  Regardless of what industry you’re operating in or who your target audience is, these strategies can provide a competitive edge and drive your digital marketing success. Embrace these advanced techniques and watch your Google Ads campaigns thrive in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

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