An Overview of Filing a Motorcycle Accident Insurance Claim

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

Americans register about 8.5 million motorcycles every year. Most riders enjoy the pastime without worry, but some unexpectedly experience life-changing events without warning. Nearly 80,000 injuries happen annually during motorcycle accidents, and about 4,500-5,000 motorcyclists lose their lives. Anyone involved in a motorcycle crash must know what to do to protect themselves if they become involved in this tragic event.

How Accidents Affect Victims

Motorcyclists can still become accident victims even if they wear safety gear, get insurance on their bikes, and drive safely. A CDC investigation into motorcycle accidents discovered that those needing medical care were most likely to suffer head and neck injuries. Any head injury could result in lifelong medical needs, and medical insurance will not always cover all the costs.

Accidents can force the injured to miss work, need adaptive equipment for their home or vehicle, and experience a decline in their quality of life. People injured in motorcycle accidents may lose the ability to participate in hobbies, support themselves and their families, and experience psychological stress. Insurance companies may cover emergency medical care and motorcycle damage but rarely covers all losses. Every motorcycle owner needs guidance to get through the paperwork following the accident and learn how to file a motorcycle accident claim for adequate compensation.

What to Do First

Medical care always becomes the priority after an accident. An exam should happen even if people feel okay because shock can hide pain, and internal injuries can stay hidden until they become severe. Keep all documents from every medical visit and hold onto every receipt. Have someone, a friend or family member, photograph the accident scene as soon as possible. Take photos of the motorcycle damage, damage to any other vehicles involved, and any personal injuries.

The motorcycle owner should notify their insurer of the accident and stay in contact with them. Get a copy of the accident report from the police and inspect the document for accuracy. Make a list of damage to safety gear, clothing, electronic devices, and motorcycle upgrades. Keep repair estimates and receipts for repairs and towing charges. Also, retain any paperwork from an employer regarding lost wages or other concerns related to the accident.

How to Prevent Complications

Speak carefully during any discussions with insurance companies to avoid any statements they could use to blame the victim or to minimize injuries. Do not immediately accept settlement offers even if they seem fair. Nearly 100 million people in the United States have medical debt so overwhelming they struggle to cover their daily expenses. People do not always realize how quickly medical costs accumulate. A traumatic brain injury, even if mild, could result in the need for lifelong therapy and treatment. Consider contacting a legal representative after an accident if the paperwork, expenses, and injuries have become overwhelming.

A motorcycle accident can change everything in an instant. Anyone harmed by the actions of others deserves to have compensation for their pain and losses. All riders should learn more about how to stay protected if the worst happens before venturing out on the road.

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