Practical and Tech-Assisted Steps to Take When Involved in a Car Accident

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

After the realization that you’ve been involved in a car accident passes, there are several steps to take to help you and others involved. Technology can help in this regard, whether it’s documenting information or looking for a good Atlanta head-on collisions lawyer online so you can get the compensation you need. The internet can be a good starting resource when you’re looking for the best car accident lawyer in your area.

Why You Should Hire a Lawyer Specialized in Head-On Collision

Having a car accident lawyer by your side after an accident can prove beneficial. For one, they can manage the case on your behalf and offer some gains, including compensation for medical bills, and injury-related expenses. Furthermore, the attorney can prove who’s at fault with evidence and explain the filing deadline in greater detail.

Car accident lawyers specializing in head-on collisions can also give you the time to focus on getting better as they handle the legal aspects. It’s worth noting that since time is of the essence, having one working on your case and protecting your interests should be done as soon as possible.

How Much Does a Head-On Collision Lawyer Cost?

Car accident firms usually charge a contingency fee, which means that clients will not have to pay until there’s a favorable amount recovered through litigation or settlement. It’s usually a good idea to ask about the contingency fee agreement and the percentage they will take when the case comes to a settlement.

What To Do When You Get Involved in a Head-On Accident?

Outlined are important key points you can follow in the event of a car accident.

Safety Protocols

One of the first things you should do is conduct a health and safety check on yourself and your passengers. Make sure everyone is okay before doing anything else.

After, see if you can move your vehicle to a safer location, such as the side of the road where there is less traffic. If the vehicle is in obviously bad shape, leave it as is and see if other car functions are working. It’s important that you turn on the hazard lights in order to alert other motorists of the accident.

For any signs of injuries, use your smartphone and call medical help. Some devices, like the iPhone 15 or the Apple Watch 9, will automatically do this when enabled and when it detects an accident has taken place. It’s also possible that your vehicle has emergency capabilities as well when you’ve subscribed to a road service assistance.

Notify the Police

Having the authorities come over can smoothen out the process post-car accident. Depending on the country or region, you should call the police as soon as possible; if one comes over to assist as they’re nearby or within the vicinity, the better.

A police report can be vital for ensuring safety and when there’s a need to file an insurance claim. They can restore order as well, especially if there are multiple parties involved.

Gather Information (Have Your Mobile Phone Ready)

Technology takes the spotlight when it comes to documenting, with smartphones being the primary devices for note-taking and capturing videos and photos. The most important things to take are the extent of damage to your vehicle, the scene of the accident, and any injuries sustained.

Take as many as your device would allow, and make sure to capture anything you think that’s important. Do close-up shots from various angles, and snapshots of the road, street or highway name, license plates, license numbers, and insurance. Use a note-taking app or the one on your smartphone and write down specifics, e.g., names, contact information, and insurance information, among others for later reference.

In addition, you can speak to witnesses and gather information from their perspective. Have an audio recording app handy so you can replay it when things have calmed down.

After the Accident, Here’s What You Can Do…

Medical Attention. It’s recommended that you go for a check-up even if you don’t see external injuries or you feel okay. Some injuries may not be apparent, especially if it’s internal. Get a clean bill of health, and remind yourself to keep a record of all the bills and results.

Build a Case. Using all the collected information, you may need to put them together if you’re submitting a claim through insurance. Statements, photographic evidence, and a summary of what happened will help you collect insurance money or build a compelling argument in court.

Call Your Insurance Company. Insurance claims may be submitted either by calling them, sending an email, or going through their app. Have the information you gathered ready, and photocopy it as needed. It may be a good idea to reserve a detailed statement until you’ve spoken to an attorney or lawyer.

Get Lawyer Help. For larger and more serious cases, you can seek the help of a professional collisions lawyer for trained legal assistance when building a case. Paperwork and gathering evidence is usually the next step involved, so prepare the documents and photos you took in the scene.

Make sure to speak with your lawyer about the accident as well as the proceedings so you’re familiar with what to do. They can guide you on the process and what you can expect, as well as your rights when going to court.

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