Having limited space doesn’t mean skipping on pet ownership. It is quite possible to have an animal companion who’d be content in a small area and happily live with you. Here are some pets to consider bringing to an apartment or when moving to your condo unit at the Continuum.
Turtles make great low-maintenance pets. They can eat a variety of foods including vegetables, fruit, Insects or small fish, and even pellets. But avoid feeding your pet human-grade foods like dairy products and processed food as they will make your scaly friend ill or sick. A turtle can live very long if proper care is provided.
Fish are very popular pets as they are easy to feed, quiet, and very calming to watch. They are great for beginners who want a friend by their side and people who may have allergies to furry pets. There are countless species of fish that you can keep as your companion, which would need tanks or aquariums with a filtration system to live and thrive in.
Rabbits are well-known house pets that come in different varieties and breeds. Their teeth never stop growing, similar to a human’s fingernails. You can give them hay or grass to wear down their teeth. Let them jump, run, and play around so they can get enough exercise. They are social animals that prefer living in groups and love human or animal company.
Guinea Pig
Despite their name, Guinea pigs are not actual pigs, but rather small and cuddly rodents that will enjoy living in your condo or apartment. Give them enough space to roam around, or a large cage with tunnels, toys, and treats will do. They are social pets, are happiest in pairs, and love being with you all the time.
Hamsters are furry rodents that are smaller than Guinea pigs and make great family pets. However, they should never be left unsupervised with small and young children as they are fragile and might nip or bite. They are suited for living in small spaces and will happily live in a small cage full of all the accessories needed to keep them healthy and entertained.

Lynn Martelli is an editor at Readability. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University and has worked as an editor for over 10 years. Lynn has edited a wide variety of books, including fiction, non-fiction, memoirs, and more. In her free time, Lynn enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her family and friends.