Sons – Does Hair Loss Occur as a Result of Iron Deficiency?

Lynn Martelli
Lynn Martelli

Iron deficiency is relatively common and results from insufficient daily iron consumption. Not having enough iron in your system can lead to specific health problems, like a lack of energy.

However, can hair loss be caused by an iron deficiency? Today, we want to look at the truth to determine how significant an iron deficiency is when it comes to the state of your hair.

Is There a Connection Between Iron Deficiency and Hair Loss?

It’s important to remember that hair loss is predominantly down to your genetics, as you’ll have been passed on the disposition to DHT exposure and subsequent hair loss from your parents or grandparents. If you are losing your hair or it is thinning, your genetic makeup is the most likely reason.

However, there are sometimes other reasons hair can be lost. One such reason is stress, which often displays patchy hair loss in any part of the scalp, which is different from male pattern hair loss, frequently concentrated at the crown or hairline.

Your body needs a requisite amount of iron to function properly. A significant iron deficiency can be classed as anaemia, which needs to be addressed medically. Some studies have shown that not having enough iron in your system can impact the vitality of your hair.

Human blood requires haemoglobin, and your scalp’s blood vessels are no different because oxygen needs to be transported to the blood vessels for healthy hair cell growth, which is the only way your scalp will produce thick and healthy strands. Without haemoglobin, your hair may be lifeless and only produce thinner, less healthy strands.

So, yes, there is some link between hair loss and iron deficiency, but iron deficiency is rarely the root cause of your hair loss. If you have a predisposition to hair loss, an iron deficiency can exacerbate and speed up the rate of hair loss.

Treatments for Iron Deficiency and Hair Loss

To reiterate, if your body has deficient iron levels, you need to see a doctor to address the problem; they will offer you iron supplements and make changes to your diet for the better.

However, some hair products boost the amount of iron in your system and add extra vitamins and nutrients that your body needs to function correctly and target more robust hair growth.

Sons’ Hair Growth Complex has a range of essential ingredients that can benefit your hair’s condition and maintain its healthiness before it is lost. This isn’t a product that can cure hair loss, but it is a supplement that should be used as a preventative measure.

Suppose our consultants deem that your hair loss is at least moderate. In that case, however, you may be prescribed Finasteride and Minoxidil to stop the occurring loss and create a better environment for more vigorous regrowth.

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